Thursday, May 19, 2022

Planting Trees for retirement?? Something's you should know

 Hi Peeps,

So you must have heard that planting trees for retirement is one of the best investments you can do. However there may be some confusion around it that you need to know about the forest department as well. 

So, basically you can purchase the tree saplings from any private nursery or from forest department. The forest department does give saplings for free during sometimes of the year. But irrespective you can plant trees and no one can have any issues till the saplings are planted in a property owned by you. 

Now, the real question is when you want to harvest the trees to encash you cannot do that without prior information to forest department. So, prior notice in written or any application form needs to be submitted to forest department with legal documentation of the land in your name and the amount of trees that you wana harvest. That will be followed by a visit from forest department and they will charge very nominally and give you a written documentation stating your legal right to harvest and sell the trees. 

Well, that was simple considering how many people did try to scare me away from doing this project. 

I think the ways of working in Government Organizations have improved and been organized over last couple of decades. 

Happy Farming!! 


Tushar Kanti